Want to hear Pastor’s sermon again, pass the proclamation of Christ’s work for us onto a friend, or “take part” in service when out to town? Zion Lutheran will publish digital audio files of the weekly Bible readings & Pastor’s sermons for download. You can also subscribe to have new editions sent to you via email. While not a replacement for the Divine Worship, this audio will allow you (and those you share it with) to hear God’s Word announced at Zion – via the internet!

Most weeks, Zion Lutheran will publish weekly Bible readings & Sermons. You can listen to or download the last five by viewing the archives page.


To subscribe to this audio, please click one of the links below based on your preferred method. It is free, easy, and a great way to stay in God’s Word and review Pastor’s Sermon each week.

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Readings & Sermon by Pastor Daniel Krueger. Recording by Darrell Peterson. Voiceovers, editing, & distribution by Joshua McNary. Hymnody provided by Dan Engle & http://lutherantimeout.org (Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice – Hymn 556).

Listen, then join us in Church

Joining us next Sunday for the entire Divine Worship. You can find more information on this website.